Timing and Frequency Synchronization for Cooperative Relay Networks

Jianhua Zhang, Chao Shen, Gang Deng and Yuning Wang
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), 2013 IEEE 78th
DOI: 10.1109/VTCFall.2013.6692442
Publish Year: 2013

Abstract: This paper deals with timing and frequency synchronization in multi-relay cooperative networks operating with both large and small carrier frequency offset (CFO) over frequency-selective channels. A novel preamble based on constant amplitude zero auto-correlation (CAZAC) sequence is proposed, and a corresponding practical multistage scheme is presented. Joint timing and integral frequency synchronization is involved to resist multi-relay interference (MRI). Then, fractional frequency estimation is carried out, and fine timing estimation completes the synchronization scheme. The performance is evaluated in terms of the mean square error (MSE). Simulation results show that the method is robust under both flat-fading and multipath fading channels, and provides accurate estimation results in the presence of both large and small multiple CFO values.

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