Outdoor-Indoor Propagation Characteristics of Peer-to-Peer System at 5.25 GHz

Yang Lu, Jianhua Zhang, Member, IEEE, Xinying Gao, Ping Zhang, Yufei Wu
Vehicular Technology Conference, 2007. VTC-2007 Fall. 2007 IEEE 66th
DOI: 10.1109/VETECF.2007.190
Publish Year: 2007

Abstract: Wideband Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) channel measurements were preformed in outdoor-indoor scenario for peer-to-peer system at 5.25 GHz with 100 MHz bandwidth. Based on the measured data, a new power delay profile (PDP) model is proposed which is applicable regardless of the first path is the strongest or not. Time dispersion parameters and empirical model are presented. The RMS delay spread (RDS) is log-Gumbel distributed and the path number well obeys the Gao’s distribution. The relationship between RDS and mean excess delay is also studied. Finally, the propagation pathways are reconstructed under the assumption of two-bounce scattering according to the geography of the measurement site and the spatio-temporal information provided by a high resolution algorithm.

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