Capacity analysis of Intra-Site Coordinated Multi-Points(CoMP) scheme based on a measurement at 2.35 GHz

Fenghua Zhang, Jianhua Zhang, Chengxiang Huang, Nan Sheng, Lei Tian
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 2011 IEEE 73rd
DOI: 10.1109/VETECS.2011.5956260
Publish Year: 2011

Abstract: Coordinated multi-points (CoMP) transmission has been widely proved to be effective to combat co-channel interference by a number of theoretical literatures. However, a common assumption is made that the optical fiber required by coordination between base stations (BSs) is always ready to be used which is quite impractical in the real world. Therefore, Intra-Site CoMP, which only involves coordination between sector antennas, is much more easily implemented since the sector antennas are located together. In contrast with the previous theoretical researches, a measurement at 2.35 GHz, with a bandwidth of 50 MHz, was carried out to evaluate its spectral efficiency performance. A novel measuring method is put forward to avoid multi-BS synchronization as well as other challenges in the implementation of CoMP. It is found that Intra-Site CoMP can greatly improve the throughput of the system under the measured environment.

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