3D MIMO: How Much Does It Meet Our Expectations Observed from Massive Channel Measurements?

ZHANG JianhuaYuxiang Zhang,Yawei Yu,Ruijie Xu,Qingfang Zheng,Ping Zhang
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications( Volume: PP, Issue: 99 )
Publish Year: 2017

Abstract: By taking advantage of the elevation domain,three dimensional(3D) Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) with massive antenna elements is considered as a promising and practical technique for the fifth Generation (5G) mobile communication system.So far,3D MIMO is mostly studied by simulation and a few field trialshave been launched recently,It still remains unknown how muich does the 3D MIMO meet our expectations in versatile scenarios.In this paper, we answer this based on measurements with 56*32 antenna elements at 3.5 GHz with 100 MHz bandwidth in indoor(O2I), urban microcell(UMi) and urban macrocell(UMa).Each secnario contains 2 different site locations and 2-5 test routes under the same configuration .Base on the measured data ,both elevation and azimuth angles are extracted and their stochastic behaviors are investigated.Then we reconstruct two dimensional(2D) and 3D MIMO channels based on the measured data, and compare the capacity and eigenvalues distributions.It is observed that 3D MIMO channel which fuuly utilizes the elevation domain does improve capacity and also enhance the contributing eigenvalue number.However,this gain varies from scenario to scenario in reality, O2I is the most beneficial scenario, then followed by UMi and UMa scenarios.More results of multiuser capacity varying with the scenario, antenna number and user number can provide the experimental insights for the efficient utilization of 3D MIMO in future.

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