Overview of Millimeter Wave Communications for Fifth-Generation (5G) Wireless Networks—With a Focus on Propagation Models

Theodore S. Rappaport, Yunchou Xing, George R. MacCartney, Andreas F. Molisch, Evangelos Mellios,ZHANG Jianhua
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2017 ( Vol.65, Issue: 12 )
Publish Year: 2017,

Abstract: This paper provides an overview of the features of fifth generation (5G) wireless communication systems now being developed for use in the millimeter wave (mmWave) frequency bands. Early results and key concepts of 5G networks are presented, and the channel modeling efforts of many international groups for both licensed and unlicensed applications are described here. Propagation parameters and channel models for understanding mmWave propagation, such as line-of-sight (LOS) probabilities, large-scale path loss, and building penetration loss, as modeled by various standardization bodies, are compared over the 0.5–100 GHz range.

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