Line-Of-Sight Interference Statistics and User Scheduling with 3D Angular Separation

Yawei Yu, ZHANG Jianhua, Lei Tian
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 2018:1-12( )
Publish Year: 2018, English

Abstract:We focus on the interference statistical metrics of matched filter transmission over line-of-sight (LoS) downlink channels. The exact moments of the interference are derived, which can be used to make approximations for user rates and gain insights into the effects of system parameters such as angle spread (AS), antenna numbers, and array spacings. As the interference decreases with larger AS, we propose a user scheduling scheme by grouping users into different subspaces with corresponding orthogonal fraction of resource blocks, aiming to maximize the 3D angular separation among multiusers within each group; thus, a lower interference and higher sum rate would be expected. By performing this user scheduling scheme with 3D angular separation, a large sum rate gain is observed, which provides us a promising method in interference control and management..

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