Indoor office channel measurements and analysis of propagation characteristics at 14 GHz

Runquan Miao, Lei Tian, Yi Zheng , Pan Tang,Fusheng Huang and Jianhua Zhang
Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2015 IEEE 26th Annual International Symposium on
Publish Year: 2015

Abstract: In this paper, we present the small scale characteristics of indoor office scenario based on the channel measurement at 14 GHz with 250 MHz bandwidth. The measurements were operated at more than 100 receiver locations including LOS and NLOS cases over distances up to 55 meters by utilizing a sliding correlator sounder with 125 mega-chip per second (Mcps). Besides, highly directional horn antennas and dipole antennas were used, respectively, to get the channel characteristics including power delay profile (PDP), path number and root-mean-square (rms) delay spread. The results of path number and rms delay spread measured by dipole antennas and horn antennas are different in LOS case. Compared with the results measured by horn antennas, the path number and rms delay spread value obtained by dipole antennas is bigger in LOS case, where rms delay spread values are 30 ns and 52 ns, respectively. It is reasonable that some multipath information is lost when using horn antenna to measure. In NLOS case, path number and rms delay spread only measured by dipole antennas are given.

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