Analysis of the Millimeter Wave Channel Characteristics for Urban Micro-Cell Mobile Communication Scenario

Pan Tang, Lei Tian , Jianhua Zhang
Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), 2017 11th European Conference on
Publish Year: 2017

Abstract: To meet the rapid increasing demand of the high data rate communication, millimeter wave communication system has attracted considerable attention. In this paper, a millimeter wave wideband channel measurement with mobility in urban micro-cell mobile communication scenario at 28 GHz is presented for the purpose of capturing the channel characteristics. Based on the measured data, we analyze the path number, root mean square delay spread (rms DS) and mean excess delay. It is found that the distribution of the path number is well fitted by a Normal distribution while the distribution of the rms DS and mean excess delay is fitted well by a Lognormal distribution. The statistics of these parameters are also given and are compared with the results in other measurements. Besides, the effects of the distance on the path number are discussed. These analysis results can give insight into the design of the 5G wireless communication system.


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